
Canasta: Using Canasta > Extensions and skins

A Canasta installation contains 152 extensions and 10 skins, all chosen for the functionality and display they add to MediaWiki; see Contents for the complete listing. By default, only one of these (the "Vector" skin) is enabled on Canasta; any of the rest must be manually enabled. For any extension or skin, there are three ways to enable it:

  1. Add a call to enable it to LocalSettings.php
  2. Add a call to enable it to any file in the config/settings/ directory
  3. Call the command canasta extension enable or canasta skin enable, which in turn adds a new short file to the config/settings/ directory.

The last of these can be undone via the corresponding disable command.

You can also add other extensions and skins to a Canasta installation; this page covers all of these options.

Table of contents

Enabling/disabling extensions

In LocalSettings.php you can add an extension by picking its name from the list of bundled extensions and adding a wfLoadExtension call for it, e.g.:

wfLoadExtension( 'Cite' );

You can also add such a call to any file in the config/settings/ directory, to achieve the same result.

Via the CLI

Enabling/disabling skins

In LocalSettings.php you can add a skin by picking its name from the list of bundled skins and adding a wfLoadSkin call for it, e.g.:

wfLoadSkin( 'Timeless' );

You can also add such a call to any file in the config/settings/ directory, to achieve the same result.

Via the CLI

Installing additional extensions

To install a non-Canasta extension, simply place it in the ./extensions directory and add a wfLoadExtension call to ./config/LocalSettings.php, e.g.:

wfLoadExtension( 'MyCustomExtension' );

Composer packages

If an additional (non-Canasta) extension requires some Composer packages to be installed, just add a line for the extension's composer.json file to the config/composer.local.json file, e.g.:

    "extra": {
        "merge-plugin": {
            "include": [

Note: the require section of config/composer.local.json is ignored; thus you won't be able to install new extensions via Composer, only dependencies.

Installing additional skins

In order to install a non-Canasta skin, simply place it in the ./skins directory and add a wfLoadSkin call to ./config/LocalSettings.php, e.g.:

wfLoadSkin( 'MyCustomSkin' );